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(Español) Convocatoria: Reunión extraordinaria del Consejo de Titulares, abril de 2014
(Español) Convocatoria: Consejo General de Titulares – Reunión anual 2013
Annual meeting of the Homeowners General Council, 10 December 2011
The Board of Directors of Bahía del Mar is glad to inform you that we have finally chosen the date for the next Homeowners General Council annual meeting. This meeting will take place on Saturday 10 December 2011.
Soon, we will announce more details related to this important meeting (time, place, agenda, etc.), and we will be very glad if everyone joins us, as part of our special Bahía del Mar family.
We look forward to seeing you all!
Board of Directors
Bahía del Mar, Rincón
Penalties for Damage or Abuse of Common Areas
Dear Homeowners,
In order to promote the protection and care of our condominium common areas, the Board of Directors has approved a series of monetary penalties to be charged to homeowners who incur/permit situations that result in our the deterioration of our complex.
Attached you’ll find a descriptive table listing the relevant situations and the charges approved to be levied.
We request support from all of you to be on the alert and protect the integrity of the common areas.
Kind regards,
Homeowners Association
Bahía del Mar Condominium
Attachment: Table of Monetary Penalties for Damage or Abuse of Common Areas
Next annual meeting of the Homeowners General Council
The Board of Directors of Bahía del Mar is glad to inform you that we have finally chosen the date for the next Homeowners General Council annual meeting. This meeting will take place on Saturday 20 November 2010.
Soon, we will announce more details related to this important meeting (time, place, agenda, etc.), and we will be very glad if everyone joins us, as part of our special Bahía del Mar family.
We look forward to seeing you all!
Board of Directors,
Bahía del Mar, Rincón
Building parking spaces
As a good neighbor policy, and in accordance with the regulations of Bahía del Mar Condominium, the Board of Directors would like to remind all apartment owners about the rules to follow when using the building’s provided parking spaces. Following are considerations to keep in mind when using these common facilities:
- Remember that each apartment has two (2) specifically assigned parking spaces. Let’s all be considerate to our neighbors, and use only our corresponding parking spaces.
- There are three (3) additional parking spaces assigned only to visitors. So, when possible, and to benefit other apartment owners, we should try not to use all 3 visitor parking spaces at one time. Let’s all be courteous to our neighbors, and leave them the opportunity of using some of those spaces when such occasions arise.
- Visitor parking spaces are only for the benefit of apartment owners’ visitors, but not for renters’ visitors. So, if your apartment is currently being used as a rental property, make sure your renter knows that they have the right to use only the 2 parking spaces assigned to your apartment. Any additional vehicles should not occupy additional spaces inside the property.
The Board of Directors would like to thank all of you for your attention to this and all other previous matters, and we are at your service in case anyone has questions or comments about this or any other matter.
Board of Directors
Bahía del Mar, Rincón
Conversion of the Association’s bank account
Dear Homeowners,
As you may know by now, Westernbank, which is the bank where our Homeowners Association established its checking account, was acquired by Banco Popular de PR (BPPR).
Effective this coming Friday 27 August 2010, the accounts of Westernbank will be converted to the BPPR system. For the moment, those homeowners who make direct deposits of their monthly maintenance dues will be able to continue doing so to the account number at Westernbank, which will be tied to the new account number that will be created at BPPR. Even so, as soon as we have the information about the new account number at BPPR, we will inform you in order for you to make the necessary change to your payment instructions with your bank.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Cordially yours,
Board of Directors
Bahía del Mar Homeowners Association
Choice Cable TV available in Bahía del Mar
We are glad to inform you that the company Choice Cable TV has installed all the necesary components in the building to be able to start selling cable and Internet services to all Bahia del Mar apartment owners.
So, for anyone interested in any of these services, we provide you with the company’s contact information:
Choice Cable TV
Telephone #: 1-877-717-0400
Junta de Condóminos
Bahia del Mar
Notifications/deposits on apartment rentals
Dear Homeowners,
Recently we have noticed an increase of situations where the behavior of tenants in our condominium has resulted in littering and damages to common areas. These require cleaning and repairs, which have a cost.
For this reason and to promote each Homeowner’s duty to properly inform tenants of theirs responsibilities, the Board of Directors has decided to implement the Policy for rentals contained in the By-Laws of Bahía del Mar (Reglamento de Administración del Condominio Bahía del Mar).
Therefore, apartment rentals must be notified to the Board of Directors at least three (3) days before they begin. The homeowner must provide the name and address of the tenant, and must certify that he has given the tenant a copy of the By-Laws of Bahía del Mar Condominium and any other rules eventually approved. The homeowner must inform the tenant that he will be covered by the provisions of these rules.
The Notice/Certification may be made through email to the Board of Director’s address (bahiadelmarrincon[at], or through regular mail to the following address:
Asociación Titulares Bahía del Mar
45 Benjamín Gómez Apt. 400
Rincón PR, 00677
For your convenience, we have included a copy of the By-Laws document on our website ( and a summary of the Rules in English and Spanish for your knowledge and that of your tenants.
Homeowners renting for a term shorter than six (6) months must put down a deposit of one hundred fifty dollars ($150) to cover damages that may be caused by the tenant. The deposit will be returned at the end of the rental period if no disbursement is necessary to repair damages caused. Every homeowner will be responsible for damages caused by tenants, occupants or visitors to the complex.
The deposit must be submitted to the Board’s Treasurer prior to the rental period. Homeowners that rent theirs apartments frequently, and who so prefer it, may leave the deposits with the Homeowners Association for a period exceeding the term of the initial rental and avoid in this way the process of receiving reimbursements and providing new deposits individually for each tenant.
The Board has decided to put these Rules into effect as of 15 April 2010. Noncompliance with these Rules may be subject to fines as established in our By-Laws and the Puerto Rico Condominiums Law, no. 103 of 2003.
We request your adherence to these guidelines so that our condominium can keep its special beauty in the interest of us all, the Homeowners.
Bahía del Mar Homeowners Association